I have been invited to join this meeting but am unable to. I would ask that the following is considered as it contains my thoughts about whole neighbourhood approaches
I am now retired and have significant experience in energy from a housing planning and ecological perspective.
I have developed these thoughts as I briefly describe below and would welcome your comments about how to make this so.
I propose the creation of neighbourhood energy and mobility coops that forensically map all of a community’s energy uses, resources and opportunities for conservation and management.
The next steps would be to write agree and implement plans and strategies including financial, skills training, and knowledge management.
The overall objective would be to convert energy from an individual household or organisation expenditure heading to a community cooperative income heading.
A replicable cooperative structure would be fundamental using cellular and Von Neumann machine principles.
Clive Durdle
4 Toronto Road Ilford IG14RB
There is an underlying issue that whole systems are not yet being properly addressed. We have three primary ways of addressing issues, public, organisational and private but have not looked at why we use these systems. Are we preferring one system over others? What would healthy built environment and mobility and transport ecosystems look like? Are megafauna missing from built environment systems? Rotterdam: Strategic Transition to a Clean Heating Network – Global Opportunity Explorer
Have we understood what Odum wrote? When wall fell, Berlin was using idea “ecological orientation”. First question ecology asks is where does energy flow? Transport is a major energy use, UK has public, organisational, private systems. But for heat we have private, and organisational systems but very few public or common heat systems or networks
Wildlife experts are pointing out that weak ecosystems often have missing megafauna. Maybe this is also true of human ecosystems- where are the heat networks, the excellent fully accessible joined up rail train tram cargo cycling wheeling walking networks?
Maybe we need to Yellowstone human ecosystems? Do we ask what is missing, what is there too much of?
Same set of questions may be asked of the ecology of health and wellbeing systems. Are there too many of certain types of organisations, too few of others? Where is power located?
Are not wildfires examples of uncontrolled energy flows?
In 1964, as president of the Ecological Society of America, Odum announced in the journal BioScience the establishment of a “new ecology,” a “systems ecology” that dealt with the world as a whole, bringing all of the ecosystem sciences together
In the article he laid out the discipline’s fundamental assumptions: that the ecosystem is the basic unit of nature
; that biological diversity increases ecosystem stability; that “homeostasis” is important at all levels of the biological spectrum; that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”; and that therefore reductionist scientific methods cannot adequately explain living systems.
I understand carbon coop was involved in this, are minutes available?
Anyone know anything about what happened in this meeting?