PowerShaper's ShellyEM relay

In my wisdom I decided that it would be prudent to create a security password for my wireless immersion heater relay (ShellyEM), supplied to me by the Coop under the PowerShaper project. Having done so, the user interface for the relay (ShellyEM) appears but is wholly unresponsive, and doesn’t ask me for my password, so I now have no access to it. Any thoughts anyone?

A few days later: our ShellyEM immersion relay appears amongst our ‘available networks’, which is a surprise as I believe that for some weeks it did not appear there. I can apparently connect to its WiFi
hotspot there, but no user interface appears and there is no response when I enter the IP address in the browser URL bar. And on entering ‘shellyem-*****-local’ in the URL bar that too just says ‘no internet’ of course (where **** is the name of our relay.)

When instead I connect to our HEMS and then enter the IP address of the relay it just says (IP address) " took too long to respond." And on entering ‘shellyem-*****-local’ in the URL bar that too just gives me some pretty pictures of ShellyEM devices from the internet.)

Any thoughts on this too anyone?

Hi Paul, to me it sounds like the ShellyEM has come disconnected from the system and reverted to AP mode. Usually the Shelly is connected to the HEMS network (in some cases to the home network). When it is not connected to anything it produced it’s own WiFi network which allows you to connect it to a network of your choice. That would also explain why you can’t access it from the HEMS anymore.

The best thing to do would be to try and reconnect it to your HEMS, or if that fails to the home network. In theory you should be able to do this by connecting to the ShellyEM network (no password should be required) and then navigating to There you should be able to access the Shelly interface.

From the Shelly interface there should be a button that says “Internet & Security” when you press that below should be a button that says ‘WIFI MODE - CLIENT’ after clicking that you should be able to enter the HEMS network name (or your home network) and password.

After that you will probably lose the connection and will need to reconnect to either your HEMS network or home network (depending where it was connected) and then you should be able to access the Shelly interface from the shellyem-****.local address.

If you are still having any troubles, I would be happy to arrange a phone call so that we can sort it out together. So if the issue persists please send us an email at powershaper[at]carbon.coop, and I will get back to you early next week.

Thanks Matt. I should have thought of attempting to re-connect from scratch. It hadn’t occurred to me that it might have become entirely disconnected. I’ll know to check that in future, and to start the setup process over again as you suggest. However as at original setup, again the shellyem-****-local address didn’t work (by the way I believe that second ‘-’ should indeed be a ‘-’ and not the ‘.’ shown in your email), nor did the IP address work which Ben Aylott gave me originally from your system.

Moreover when I look again the ShellyEM still appears in my networks list, so apparently it hasn’t shut down its own WiFi hotspot. And when I log onto it again it has apparently failed to connect to the HEMS. It doesn’t ask me anywhere for the password which I, probably mistakenly as it turns out, set up for it. But it invited me to do so, so it didn’t seem like a particularly dramatic thing to do at the time.

Hope we can resolve this. Many thanks.


It is probably best that I give you a call next week so that we can go through a few things together and try to get this connected.

If the Shelly is still appearing as an access point and you can see it’s Wifi network then it won’t be connected to your HEMS or local network and won’t be possible to connect using the local IP or domain.

It might be possible that you are accidentally entering the wrong SSID and password for the HEMS which should be ccoop-hems-xxxx for the SSID and hems-name for the password (with them varying as printed on the HEMS itself).

When the device is connected it will definitely be shellyem-xxxxxx.local with a dot (as well as local IP in the range 10.42.0.xxx). This is something I have just verified with a fully connected system.

If you could send me an email at powershaper[at]carbon.coop with your availability next week I will give you a call and I am sure we can resolve this together! Sorry for this issues, we haven’t had many instances of the Shelly disconnecting from the HEMS but it should be possible to find a way to reconnect them.