Home Assistant/MQTT Bridge

Home Assistant gurus,

Has anyone had any experience running multiple instances of Home Assistant?

A bit of background…
Currently our hot water is controlled with a ‘Climate’ integration (in my existing HA instance) which toggles a relay to fire the gas boiler.
Now on Octopus Go; I am looking to heat the water via the immersion connected to HEMS during specific times, and to the temperature requested on the HA climate integration.


I have been looking into an MQTT bridge, but can’t get my head around it!
I know the immersion heater has it own thermostat, but I would like the ability to adjust the water temperature.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!


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Do you have an MQTT broker running already on your custom HA or would this be a new service?

Hi Ben,
Yeh I have an MQTT server (mosquitto) running on my HA. Is it possible to publish messages to two brokers?


Yes there are a few options. Its difficult for us to modify config of MQTT broker on HEMS but if you are able to run a MQTT bridge on your other device (Hass OS+Raspberry Pi?) then we can probably make it work. I would suggest running a separate mosquitto initially instead of trying to combine with any existing one on your custom HA. Is the layout like below:

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After some playing around with a config file on my existing HA instance, I can now listen to the HEMS MQTT. Setup is now as per the image below.

Thanks for the support!

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Thats great Graham. Makes sense.

Not sure I understand much of this, but my advisors at the Leicester Hackspace probably would. Anyway, if this is the right thread to ask in, they suggest I ask the following question: “I want to log into my Cofybox (previously known as HEMS) via SSH to set up MQTT Mosquitto broker on docker. How do I do that login?”

The reason we are asking this question is that I would like to be able to seal and insulate the perimeter of the space under my suspended timber floor, and then monitor the temperature and humidity with some ESP01Ss with DHT11s. Ideally this would switch on a small fan, to blow conditioned air down there from the room above, if it gets too cold/ humid. And I am hoping to use the HEMS (CofyBox) for controlling and monitoring this. But if this isn’t sensible I will buy another RaspberryPi for this purpose.

You will need to do a complete heat loss calculation for the house including subfloor to decide your heat requirement. There are also formulae to use for ventilation assessment.

If you don’t have free flowing air to the underfloor I expect you need a trickle extractor with humidity boost. You can choose whether to vent into the conditioned space or out of the structure. If you have a pair of smart fans the extract can tell the supply one how much to supply from the conditioned space, to avoid drawing in air from outside.

Are you in a high radon area? If so, don’t vent from underfloor to habitable space. :radioactive:

No we aren’t in a high radon area (LE8 9DR).