Electric Vehicles as Home/Grid Battery Storage Systems (V2G)

Electric Vehicles as Home/Grid Battery Storage Systems (V2G)

This new topic takes the form of initially an announcement of a webinar taking place next week that I am organising with Cambridge CleanTech under the Sustainable Smart Homes Special Interest Group. All are welcome to the webinar. But, I hope it will stimulate discussion in this Forum about the future development of Vehicle to Grid (V2G) for storing Solar PV generated or buying cheaper electricity then selling it back to the Grid at a higher price - utilising Octopus Agile/Outgoing or similar future tariffs.

The webinar is entitled - “Opportunities and Challenges for Electric Vehicles to balance the Grid as Home Battery Storage Systems”

It takes place on Wednesday 19 May @ 16:00 hrs BST (UK)

You can get more details and book a place at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/electric-vehicles-as-home-battery-storage-systems-tickets-151646718417 Using the Discount code: Speakers-Network - will give you a free place. If you can’t attend the live event do book a place and then you will receive details on how to watch the recording.


Looks interesting I will try to attend!