CWI extraction and replacement

Hi all, I didn’t see an intro thread so apologies if I’ve not followed protocol

I have a few (hundreds?) of questions from a novice diy perspective. I have ‘competent’ support but would like to try and understand as much as possible about each step.

To avoid bombarding the forum, il explain the context, then my initial question.

1960s semi/gable end typical estate house

Uninsulated tiled front back between windows

NE coast (1m inland)

South facing front (gable west)

Room in roof 1998 - full regs/steels at ridge/walls

Ultimate end project - timber dormer

N facing back aspect has rotten felt.

Brickwork above window ropey

Water in cavity.

Previous fibreglass (?) CWI looks pretty damp from eaves down view

Q1 (thanks if you got this far)

Should I consider extraction/replacement

If so which products/firms/pitfalls to avoid etc


@andrewdavidwood1, welcome to the forum.

There is no special protocol for first posts but the de facto one seems to be to ask lots of questions, so you are in good company.

We do need to have an idea of how the water got into your cavity before the problem can be properly addressed. One thing you will learn here is to never go with a knee jerk reaction.

We know about the dubious condition of the wall above the (first floor?) windows but that area ought to be sheltered by your eaves.

How deep are your eaves?
Are the bricks in good condition?
Are the mortar beds and pointing in good order (other than above the windows)?
What is behind the hung tiles?
Are the window and door frames well sealed to the brick?
Same questions about other penetrations?
Do you know what your lintels are made of?
How exposed is your location?

Fibreglass can dry out if conditions permit but it takes a long time. Meanwhile your inner leaf is subject to damp and internal surfaces will be cold and damp, encouraging mould and rot. It may be prudent (but expensive) to remove the damp insulation, allow the cavity to dry and then proceed with whatever comes next.

The poor felt will need replacing, but not with new felt. More on that later when we have some answers.